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Museum für Glaskunst Lauscha |
Google translate: The museum in the vibrant glass blowing town of Lauscha collects, documents, and the Thuringian glass from the late Middle Ages presented to the present day, from early forest glass of courtly and civic ceremonial vessels, glass beads, glass eyes and Christmas tree decorations to the craft and art glass of the present. Six exhibition rooms lead into the world of over 400 years in Lauscha glass. 4-5 special exhibitions annually make the museum a versatile, lively and always exciting and new. The aesthetic respectively. artistic value of the exhibits is usually next to their embeddedness in socio-cultural references. Shown is especially collection items from the immediate context of the tradition with Christmas ornaments, or profane kunsthandwerklichem claim. This concept is supplemented by "special items" as an eye-catching and special exhibitions in the field of glass art.

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